Monday, February 4, 2008

Rush Limbaugh - 8 million people listen to this guy?

From a broadcast transcript on his site:

HUCKABEE: A lot of the Wall Street Republicans who don't really like the Wal-Mart Republicans, and that's who I represent. I represent rank-and-file people that aren't the powerful. They may not be the swells that go to the nice cocktail parties, but there are a whole lot of people in this party that if they get abandoned and they get left out, it's going to be real hard for Republicans to win this fall. And I think people ought to be thinking very seriously about dumping a lot of the folks that gave the Republicans their victories, that people who hammer in the yard signs, the people who go out there and work for the candidates. They may not write the biggest checks, but they have in many ways the biggest role to play because they're the foot soldiers in this whole process.

RUSH: All right, here comes the class envy and the populism again, and Governor Huckabee has it 180 degrees out of phase. It is those very people he's talking about who are being told by the powers that be, call them the Wall Street crowd or whatever, we don't want you in our party anymore. You embarrass us, and we don't want you there. That's what they're saying of the social conservatives: we don't want you there, we're embarrassed to have you here. The idea that Huckabee represents them is what's crazy. He's not getting enough of a percentage here to propel himself to victory. By the way, a lot of people are saying, "Mike, get out of the race. You have no chance of winning and all you're doing is splitting up the vote." Huckabee came back and said, "I think Mitt should get out of the race." (laughing) "I think Romney should get out of the race."

What the hell? I’m having trouble deciphering this incoherent ramble. Maybe he’s back on the pills again?

Here’s the rest of it:

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