Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Fix the primary system

You know what I think? Okay, I'll tell you:

The presidential election process takes too long and costs too much. It gives too much influence to special interests, media pundits, and party activists on the extreme left and right.

What would I do? I would: (1) reform campaign financing, (b) have all of the primaries on the same day - probably a Saturday, (III) move the primaries much later in the season - possibly May, and (furthermore) make every state’s primary delegate assignments proportional to the primary/caucus vote results.

So there.


Chris Good said...

I say get rid of Caucus's period...if we must have a flipping primary to narrow down our choices of which 'personality' we like the best, let's do that.

Oh and standard voters guides handed out at the poll locations...yes...could cause a mess, but if done RIGHT, maybe bipartisan questions.... it would make people vote on the issues, not who said the last idiotic thing...which we all do.

Greg said...

I like voter guide idea. Not sure who would put it together, though. To avoid any appearance of bias I suppose "they" could ask the campaigns to submit a 1 or 2 page capsule summary of their major positions.

I agree that we should ditch the caucuses and just go to a primary system.